Edison loves fish (almost as much as he loves airplanes)... and he loves going to the Aquarium to look at all the fish. So he saw the picture on my computer and said "fish, fish" and I thought, wouldn't it be fun to show him some youtube videos of aquariums so that he could watch all the fish.
We've watched tons of youtube videos of aquariums all over the world. There are some pretty amazing aquariums out there! This video is one of our favourites because its huge, and we really like the song that goes along with it.
When Edison got the flu about a month ago, he didn't have his usual amounts of energy. I got tired of putting all these youtube videos on because they are short and as soon as one ended, he wanted another one. I though... I need something that has fish, but is more than a few minutes long.... cue the movie Finding Nemo.
We don't have cable so Edison doesn't watch TV... and he'd never really watched a movie before... but as soon as he saw this movie, he loved it. And while he was sick, he'd lay there and watch it while he was eating, puking, falling asleep, and everything else in between.
After a few times through, I started to get a little sick of watching little Nemo and his dad's adventure to find him... as much as I love that movie, I was ready for something different. I got the Pixar movie Cars for him and thought "this is great, he'll love this one!". I put it on for him, he watched it for a few seconds, and then he said "fish?".
He refuses to watch any other movie! He will only watch Finding Nemo.... so I've pretty much seen the movie a billion times by now.
Now that he's not sick, he's not watching it nearly as much... but any time he sees my laptop around he points and says "fish, fish". At night, he has two words he uses to try and get out of going to bed, "food" and "fish". If he had his way, he'd fall asleep to the movie every night.
I wonder when he will grow out of this Finding Nemo phase and want to watch something different. In the meantime... just keep swimming, just keep swimming....