A few weeks ago, Edison and I ventured out to Abbotsford to see his Grandma (my mom) and explore the pumpkin patch at Maan Farms.
I would like the pumpkin patch to be a fall yearly tradition... Jonathan's is not quite as enthused about it as I am... maybe it will grow on him. We took Edison last year (even though he was only a teeny tiny 3 months old). We walked around, looked at the farm animals, and propped Edison up on some (dirty) pumpkins... Edison was less than impressed.
This year however, I knew that Edison was going to love the pumpkin patch. We checked out the petting zoo... which as a side-note, I have to say "petting zoos" are not what they once were. When I was a kid a petting zoo meant that you went into an enclosed area where all the animals were loose, and you got to walk around and pet whatever ones would let you near them. Now, it seems to be that all the animals are still in their fenced in areas and you can just pet them through the fence...if they come close enough. To me that's just not the same.
The bunnies were the only little guys we could pick up to pet.
This pig was a people person!
Edison kept trying to climb into the chicken coop
After the petting zoo we checked out the playground area for a while. Edison loves wandering around checking everything out. He also loves slides and this playground had a super cool wood slide that we went down a few times.
After we played, we headed on over to the pumpkin patch. As soon as we got to it, Edison was just motoring around... he was on a mission to check everything out. There were a variety of pumpkins, squashes, gourds, and even cucumbers in there, so he was picking up all sorts of things and walking around with them. He also marched right on into the corn maze like a man on a mission. It was pretty fun to watch him have such a good time.
At the end, we each got to pick a pumpkin to take home with us. Edison had a little Edison-sized pumpkin, I picked a larger one and got it half way to the check-out area and was wishing I'd picked a smaller one....but I managed to lug it there.