On the growth charts, Edison was always in the 5th percentile. The doctor was always telling me he was small and to make sure that I fed him lots. Davis on the other had, is in the 75th percentile on the growth charts. We can tell that he is a bigger boy than Edison was. But until I saw this picture, I didn't realize how small Edison really was!
The picture of Edison standing in the dishwasher was taken in June of 2011, which means that he was 11 months old. Wearing the exact same outfit, this was Davis today, at 3 and a half months old.
It is crazy to me that when Edison was almost 1 year old, he was still the same size as some 3 months olds are. Or, that Davis is the same size as some 1 year-olds.
Mind is blown!
Okay, I remember Edison being small but those pictures are cray cray. He looks so tiny. But that's what makes him Edison and besides Davis is rockin' the outfit in his own way :o) Sorry I've missed out on your blog. I think it's 'cause I've been so bad at my own, I just haven't checked in lately.