Whew! July was a busy month for us... hence the little break from the blog. Now, I've got some catching up to do... and about a million pictures to sort through.
As I mentioned in a previous post, we bought a pool from craigslist for our backyard. It has been a hot summer and we wanted to have something to cool off in. Jonathan's idea of a backyard pool was a little different from what I had in mind. I think Jonathan's motto for backyard pools is: go big, or go home. So we went big (much to my dismay that he is going to kill half of the grass in my yard).

We thought our backyard was pretty level... until we tried setting up a humongous pool in it. We quickly discovered that there is a slight slope to the yard.... cue the truck-load of sand. Edison had fun with it... it was like a huge sandbox! Once Jonathan had it levelled, we filled or monster pool and waited for it to heat up a bit.
Filling and smoothing out the wrinkles
Ta Da!
Edison took a bit of convincing in the first few days because it was still a bit chilly

AND THEN... as if our backyard wasn't consumed with enough toys, our neighbour was trying to get rid of his trampoline and so over the fence it went and found itself a new home in our yard as well. As much as the trampoline with the net is not the most attractive thing to look at, Edison loves it! It is nice that he can just zip himself in there, bounce all his energy out, and I don't have to worry about him flying off and breaking anything.
The summer yard... not boring, thats for sure!
Edison was rocking some awesome static-filled hair from all his crazy jumping.
Nothing says summer like putting the sprinkler under the trampoline!
Davis loves to sit on the side of the trampoline and feel the bounces while his big brother jumps.
So if we're home... now you know where to find us!
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