Saturday, December 24, 2011

Having a CrAzY Good Time in the Reichert Household

Edison got his Christmas gift from Nana in the mail yesterday! We were having a totally lazy and relaxing day around the house yesterday and decided to open it up a couple of days early so that we could have it set up and ready to go on Christmas morning.

Marilyn bought Edison "Crazy Forts", which I had never even heard of before and they are pretty cool. After making a fort out of chairs and blankets a couple of weeks ago... this is definitely an upgrade in the land of forts! You can make so many different fort designs with this kit... the possibilities are pretty much endless. We decided to make an igloo type fort... big enough for all of us to fit in it.

It's quite handy that we still don't have any furniture in our front living room... we had lots of room to build it!

I think playing with the sticks and little connector balls was Edison's favourite part 

He decided it would be fun to crawl on them 

Always trying to help! 

The finished structure  

 Now to cover it in bed sheets

Checking out the finished product  

Jonathan, making a couple of modifications to the roof 

Edison has been having tons of fun in his new fort. Thanks Nana, for such a great Christmas gift!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! I think the cutest thing is seeing Edison helping his daddy. This is totally a "Jonathan" toy!! Did you get out the sleeping bags to sleep in it for the night? Thanks for posting! Love Nana!!
