Sunday, May 20, 2012

More Fun for the Backyard!

Edison loves slides. When we go to a playground, the only thing he wants to go on is the slide.... over, and over.... and over. He especially loves to roll a toy down the slide first, and then go down himself.

To get a little slide for our backyard was a bit of a no-brainer... I think it will keep him entertained for countless hours this summer!

Jonathan was at work a few days ago and I was just dying to get this thing together. If something needs assembled, that's usually Jonathan's department... I am not good at following written directions and usually just end up getting frustrated. But he wasn't home and I really wanted to put it together so I decided to be brave and do it myself.

Let me tell you... you do not have to be a rocket scientist to get this thing together, it really was very easy... and the directions came with pictures... perfect for me!

Always such a helper 

Getting very excited!! 


Sliding all day makes for one happy little boy!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bubbles Galore!

Edison loves bubbles! He knows where I keep the little bottle of bubbles in the kitchen and is always pointing at it saying "bubbles, bubbles!". He loves chasing them around, trying to pop them.

I was not super impressed with the quality of our dollar store bottle of bubbles so one day,  while I was blog hopping on the internet, I stumbled across a recipe for home-made bubbles and I though we'd give it a whirl.

It is super cheap and easy to make:

6 cups water
1/2 cup dish soap
1/2 cup corn syrup

I bought a cheap bucket of bubble wands at Superstore... I got the kind that you can wave around because Edison is not very good at blowing into the small ones yet.

I think he would have had just as much fun playing with the wands

Yay for cameras with timers! 


 Making his own bubbles!

The recipe makes great bubbles and it makes quite a lot so today we were hanging outside again and decided to get Jonathan in on the bubble fun.

It didn't take too long for Jonathan to decide that our bubble wands were not good enough for his large-bubble hopes and dreams. He disappears into the house for a few minutes and comes back out with a hanger that he has bent into a bubble wand, and a pizza pan. I have to admit, I doubted him at first...

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Man of Many Words

Edison has been a little on the slow side in the talking department. He's definitely going at his own pace and if he doesn't want to say a word, he's not gonna! The only words that he's been saying consistently for the past few months are fish (his first word), dada, foodup, and more. He has had no shortage of Edison-talk (complete baby babble), animal sounds, and airplane/car sounds. But as far as actual words go, they were few and far between.

In the past month however, Edison his really kicked it up a notch and is saying a ton of words now. They may not be pronounced correctly yet, but he's trying. I've discovered that I have to be careful of what I say... one day I discovered a broken toy and I picked it up and said "oh shoot!" and little Edison looked at me and said "shoot".

Mama is the word I've been hounding him on for many, many months. I'd say "Edison, can you say mama" and he'd look at me and shake is head no. It drove me crazy! The kid was saying the word "battery" every time a toy stopped working, but he couldn't say mama!! Frustrating, to say the least!

Finally in the last couple of weeks he's started to say mama as well as a host of other words like please and thank-you, hi, bye, milk, water, slide, car, truck and dog, just to name a few.

He has a few words that all come out sounding the same... for example Albert, banana, up and strawberry all come out sounding like ba or ba-ba.... so he's got a bit of work to do on his pronunciations.

He also has some words that are related to his biggest interest: things that fly. Ever since Jonathan got a little remote control helicopter to fly around the house, Edison is also obsessed with helicopters. Somehow he's decided that "dodo" is his word for helicopter. So we often hear him say dodo, wheels, and wings.

He also likes trains, which he calls choo choos, and can even say skateboard.... he is his father's son.

Edison and I had a nice relaxing morning on Sunday. He frequently sits on our kitchen island to eat his breakfast while I tidy the kitchen up... so he was sitting there eating his scrambled eggs and watching helicopter videos on youtube and being very cute and I thought I'd take a couple videos. Once I took one video.... he kept wanting me to take more videos and then loved watching himself back... he probably could have watched himself all day.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Sunny Afternoon in Rocky Point Park

Not long after Marilyn returned to Canada, we headed out for a fun day in the sun at Rocky Point Park. It is such a nice park to visit, it has great trails, a pier to walk out on, a playground for Edison, a water park (for when the weather really heats up), and it also has our favourite place for fish & chips!

He was a little sleepy when we first got there... 

Wandering down the pier  

Oooo, there's water and boats down there 

A sailing school 

Taking the scenery in 

Edison and Daddy heading out for a walk on the sand bar 

I took pictures of them from the pier 

Heading back in from their walk on the sand

We wandered for a while, ate our scrumptious fish & chips, watched Edison play in the playground, and then called it a day. It was a fun little outing and it was so nice to be able to spend some time outside. What a concept!