Monday, May 7, 2012

On The Home Stretch

Spring is always crazy at work! Last year, being on maternity leave, I wasn't even thinking about work. This year, I was quickly reminded how insane it can be.

Usually in April I take 180-200 kids to music camp for 3 days. This year, due to the teachers job action, I wasn't able to do that. Thank goodness! I did however, put on the musical Grease with a couple other teachers at school. Doing a musical is a crazy amount of work. Every time I do one, I vow to never do it again... until I see how great the end result is and how much the students love it.

During the week that we performed the musical, I only came home for an hour and a half each day before I had to turn around and go back to the school for the evening performances. The drive home was worth it though, because that was the only time in the day that I got to see Edison. Thank goodness Marilyn came home from her travels early, we wouldn't have been able to get through that week without her.

As soon as the musical ended, my report cards were due! Because of all the teacher vs. government drama, it ended up that I had to do retroactive report cards right back to the beginning of the year. Between all of my Explorations classes, 2 concert bands, and a choir.... I had to input over 800 marks into the computer. It was time consuming to say the least!

To top it all off, Jonathan was still playing piano for a couple of ballet schools until the end of April, so his schedule was crazy and there really wasn't very much time spent as a whole family.

Last week my schedule returned to normal, Jonathan finished ballet... and we all got to relax a little and spend some much-needed time together.

I only have two more months of work before summer vacation hits and it always goes by fast. I only have one more performance on my plate, the Music Department Year-End Concert... and once that's over Mrs. Reichert has checked out! I basically count the days until the end! I am so excited for the summer.

Usually Jonathan works every summer, but this will be the first summer since we've been married that he is not going to work. We're looking forward to a week in Tofino, Edison's 2nd birthday, a visit from Auntie Sara, lots of camping (hopefully), and lots of time spent at the farm.

We've been in the process of getting our backyard summer-ready. In the fall we fixed up the path that goes  through the backyard to the back gate. The path used to be stepping stones... but because the dog is always running around back there, it was very muddy around the stones. My dad helped us turn the path into a solid path... but we had to dig quite a bit of dirt out to be able to do that. Because we were doing it in early fall.... the dirt that got shovelled onto the grass never found a new home before winter hit. So, we've had a big dirt pile on our grass all winter. Jonathan has finally relocated the dirt so that our grass can start growing again and our backyard should look nice for the summer.

Edison, being the helper that he is, wanted to help his daddy shovel. My apologies for the no-pants look that Edison is sporting...

Daddy helping him load up his shovel 

Concentrating very hard

Almost there... 

Putting the dirt in behind the garage 

Hurring back for more 

He made many, many trips 

Showing me his shovel

Now that work has calmed down, I am going to try my hardest to keep things updated. Stay tuned for pictures of my latest sewing project!

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