Thursday, June 14, 2012


Edison loves the fact that his Grandpa and Zia own a pretty awesome garden centre... filled with so many fun things to look at. The thing he gets the most excited about seeing are the fish, of course! When I tell him we're going to go visit Grandpa he says "Papa! Fish!".

If you get the chance to go to the garden centre (Grow & Gather), you MUST check out the pond in the back. It's a beautiful pond, and its filled with some pretty amazing Koi fish. There are lot of fish in there, they're huge, and some of them are about 30 years old!

The Koi in the big pond love to be fed and it's Edison's favourite thing to do when we go there... he says "Fish! Food!". Last weekend we brought Nana along with us to show her the amazing koi. After we fed them we took a little wander around. They have some beautiful plants in there!

Throwing out the food for them 

Yum Yum 

They are very friendly fish! 

The view from the other side of the pond

Inside the garden centre we said hello to all of the baby koi. 

Edison loved touching the water coming out of this fountain 

Of course I always have to take picture of the beautiful flowers. I also thought the little floating gardens were pretty cool!

It's always a fun time at Grow & Gather!

On Parade

Last weekend Edison and I made it out to the Pitt Meadows Day parade for the first time! Jonathan had to work in the morning and then joined us part way through.

I wasn't sure if Edison would be able to sit through the hour and a half event, but he loved it! He sat in his stroller for the whole thing... pointing at everything that went by, accepting candy, beads, coupons. He had tons of fun.

After the parade, we wandered down to where all the booths were set up for some yummy pulled pork sandwiches. Yum!

The start of the parade 

The firefighters sprayed people with water guns 

These guys threw candy out and then when the kids ran out to get it they hit them with water balloons... it was pretty entertaining!


Enjoying his sucker 

He played with this balloon for days 

More pirates! 

This was my favourite float  

This was Edison's favourite 

There were airplanes flying by with banners 

 He LOVED the beads

It was a bit of a cloudy day, but it didn't rain and it was quite warm out. All in all, a great day! We're looking forward to going again next year.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Doggie Fun!

My Dad and Renata have a new addition to their farm... Tully the dog! Tully has come over a couple of times to play in our backyard with Albert. They have been having lots of fun together.

Edison doesn't love Tully yet because he's just a puppy and doesn't understand that Edison is not a play toy that you can jump on and knock over. But he'll get it eventually and I'm sure Edison will warm up to him.

Tully was only a few months old in these pictures. Before long he's going to be one humongous dog!

Running with Albert 

Chasing Albert's tail... I love how Albert is too tired out to do anything about it 

Isn't he cute?? Love him!