Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Get In My Mouth!

Edison is rapidly getting better at using his hands. It's fun to watch him figure out how to work them, and he gets better at it every day. He now tries to grab at everything in sight, including the dog. Albert is getting some extra attention, although I don't think he quite knows what to make of Edison reaching for his face. Edison has a pretty intense desire to suck on and/or bite whatever he has in his grasp.....which is kind of funny because we have never been able to get him to use a pacifier.

I took some pictures of him in the exersaucer (or "circle of neglect" as someone I know likes to call it) as he was reaching for and chewing all of the toys.

"So happy to be playing with my toys"

"I see the toy"

"I bite the toy"

"I see the toy"

"I bite the toy"

"Hi Mom"

"I see the toy"

"Almost got it......"

"I bite the toy"

"I see the toy"

"I bite the toy"

"I see the toy"

"And......I bite the toy"

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