I've decided to add something new to my blog called "Monday's Musings". I've actually been enjoying blogging a lot more than I thought I would; and as much as I LOVE being a stay at home mom, some days I just don't have much to blog about. Most of my days consist of playing with/feeding/entertaining the babe, cleaning the house, laundry, and grocery shopping. It's not exactly exciting blogging material. Jonathan and I try to do fun things together as a family but he is working like a mad man at the moment, so we are looking forward to the summer when we will be able to spend much more time together.
I like how "Wordless Wednesday" gives a bit of structure to my blog. On Wednesday I don't have to rack my brain to figure out what to post about....I just have to find a cute picture. So on Mondays, I've decided to write about whatever thoughts I happen to be thinking on that day.....hopefully I have some cohesive thoughts in my tired brain on any given Monday. This way, if nothing else exciting is happening, at least I have two days a week where I have an idea of what to blog about....now we'll just see if I can stick to it.
I thought that for today I would write about a few of the things I've learned from being a mom. I learn something new every day and I'm loving every second of it. But here are a few of the bigger things that come to mind:
1. A child is the greatest blessing and joy you could ever ask for. Words can't even describe how amazing it is and how much I love him!
2. Breastfeeding is hard work! If anyone knows this, it's me; but it is worth it 100%. It's the best nourishment for the baby, it's bonding, it's comforting for the baby, and it's free!
3. Parenting is a two person job - I cannot imagine doing this without Jonathan. Babies are hard work! I don't even know how single parents do it.
4. Just when you think you have your baby figured out, they change. I learned this very earn on....and now I've stopped trying to "figure him out"....I just have to roll with it.
5. Go with your instincts - lots of people like to give you advice, but you are the one living 24/7 with this baby and sometimes you just have to go with what feels right.
6. Not sleeping through the night pretty much sucks. It's exhausting and I'm reeeeaallly looking forward to the day when Edison starts sleeping longer at night.
7. Hearing Edison's laughter melts my heart every single time!
I too adore baby laughter, there's nothing like it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it's nice to know that other people out there feel the same way as I do.