Saturday, May 7, 2011

Toys Aren't Just for Chewing??

Edison is starting to understand and play with some of his toys, instead of just viewing them as objects to put in his mouth. For the most part, he likes to take things apart and make a big ol' mess. He likes to take the rings off the little ring stacker, but has no interest in putting them back on. He likes to take all of his toys out of the toy basket, but once they're out he isn't really interested in playing with them anymore. He has also recently discovered that it's fun to pull books off bookshelves and take food out of cupboards. So basically, he leaves a trail of destruction everywhere he goes. Here is a video of him playing with his nesting blocks:

He does have some toys that he enjoys playing with, and it isn't just about chewing on them or making a big mess. He likes his little play kitchen; one of his favourite parts is the fridge door. He knows that when you open the door, music plays; and when you close the door, music stops. We've spent a lot of time opening and closing the fridge door! We have also been playing with the shape sorter lately. If I put the shape in the hole part way, he will push it the rest of the way in. He also has some musical toys that he really likes playing with. He has a little maraca and a little set of bells that he likes to shake. We've also given him a ukulele to play around with and he really enjoys making sounds on the strings.

It's pretty fun to watch him grow and learn. He's a very curious little boy and now that he can get around, he's always exploring new things around the house.... for example, he really likes the springy door stops. Sometimes I think "Now where did Edison get to??" and then I hear "Boiiinggg, boiinngg" and I realize he's behind a door, keeping himself entertained. He also likes to take the vent covers off all of our heating vents. When he's done playing with the vent cover itself, he sticks his hand down the hole to see whats down there. There are so many little things around a house that you probably don't really notice... but for this curious new little life, he's checking out everything he can get his tiny little hands on. Such fun!

P.S.... I got a new collage-maker program on my computer that I've been experimenting with. Hence... the collages.

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