Well, by now people are probably thinking I've dropped off the earth. I assure you, I'm still here! I'm just trying to adjust to this foreign concept called Work... on top of being Mom and Wife.
Most days I'm tired... I come home exhausted from dealing with 10-12 year-olds all day, I then have to entertain Edison all evening by myself because Jonathan is at work. By the time I get Edison into bed to have a bit of "me" time (to work on the bog or whatever else) I'm so exhausted all I can think of doing is sleeping... and so I go to bed. It's been a bit of an adjustment! But as each week goes by, it gets a little easier.
It doesn't help that the beginning of the school year one of the busiest times of year for me, because I have to recruit kids and get them signed up for band and choir. It's a lot of work... and there are a couple of events that take place in the evening... which makes for an even longer day. Now however, the business of the first part of the year is over. I don't feel quite so overwhelmed and things can settle into a nice routine.
I do love my job! Thank goodness... otherwise it would be even harder to be apart from Edison all day long, 5 days a week. I'm happy to report that Edison is doing just fine without me. Some days I get home, expecting this big reception of "Hey, Mommy's home!"... however I quickly learned that's just not going to happen. Edison takes one look at me, and then goes right back to whatever he was playing with. But it's good that he does so well at home with Daddy all day. Everyone is adjusting to this new way of life and the transition has been remarkably smooth.
If you have a minute, check the video out below. I've been listening to this song every day on my way to work. I sometimes need to be reminded that no matter how busy life gets, no matter what my day brings, He is here and His grace is sufficient!
My song!! I'm so glad you love it the way I love it. It's just such an awesome reminder.... many mornings I listen to this as the last thing before I head out the gate to that crazy world out there. Love you and thinking of you and your busy schedule lots. Nana/Marilyn