The end of June brought the end of work for a couple of months... hallelujah! I was totally pooped out and ready for a break. A week after school ended we had a cabin booked in Tofino for a week. I knew that a day after we got back from our trip, we were going to have a full house for Edison's birthday party. So that week between school ending and leaving for our little vacation, I spent cleaning the house and getting stuff ready for Edison's party, as well as packing all of the stuff that we needed for 10 days. Anyone who has traveled with a child knows... they come with a lot of stuff! So that last week was a busy one to say the least.
Our trip to Tofino was awesome! I will write more blog posts just about the trip and add tons of pictures. Stay tuned for all of those. I had planned to do a lot of catching up on the blog while we were in Tofino... however a tragedy struck. A few days into our trip, a little bit of water spilled onto my beloved laptop. At first I didn't even think any water touched it.... however a few minutes later it started doing really weird things.... then it just wouldn't turn on and I knew I was in big trouble. So, for the rest of our trip, I had no computer... which was a weird feeling because I'm a little emotionally attached to it.
Thanks to BC Ferries making us wait an obscene amount of time to get on a ferry, we didn't get home until after 11pm on the Sunday that we left Tofino. We had the Monday to get everything ready for Edison birthday party. My sister Sara and her Husband Ryan were home for a few days so Auntie Sara came over to make Edison the most awesome birthday cake that ever existed. Blog post about that to follow.
Edison's party was super fun. It was mainly just an excuse to get family and friends together for a visit.... as Edison still really has no idea what's going on. It was fun... it was also a very HOT day!
After the party day, we took my computer into the Mac store in Metrotown to find out the damage. They opened it up and told me that the water made its way in pretty good and that I'd need a new motherboard. This was not what I wanted to hear! Anybody who knows Mac products knows... they are not cheap! My computer was in the shop for about a week. I was very excited to have it back.... and very not excited about how much money it took to get it back.
That brings us to about a week ago. Jonathan and I were at his friend Alex & Jess' wedding and as the night went on, I started to know I had a cold coming on. It was weird... it hit so fast, all the sudden I felt awful! So, I've spend the past week with one of the worst colds I've had in a long time. It feels so unnatural to have a cold in the middle of summer.
And that brings us to now. I'm finally getting my energy back and starting to feel a little bit more normal. My computer works again.... so I'd better get my butt in gear before people think I've given up blogging forever.
I have tons of pictures to share of our adventures from the past couple of months... so get ready for whole lot of updating coming your way!
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