Here are some facts about Davis and his little 3 month old self:
~ Davis continues to be a big strong, healthy boy... with one exception. I have battled for a long time with eczema and poor little Davis seems to have received the eczema gene from me and so he has quite a few patches of it, especially on his arms. We are moisturizing and staying on top of it and it is getting better and will hopefully go away. Other than that, he's healthy and happy.

~ On the other hand... Davis is not a great napper. At this point, I would call him a cat-napper. His naps during the day will last anywhere from 15-30 minutes usually. If we're lucky, he'll nap for an hour. It seems that the trade for having great sleep during the night, is to not sleep much during the day... which can be hard when I don't really get much of a break to relax or really focus on Edison. Ideally I would like him to stay awake for longer stretches during the day and also have longer naps. But... he's still really small and it's all a work in progress. Hopefully he'll get there eventually.
~ Although he does have his grumpy moments, most of the time he is very content to lay on his play mat, or sit and watch everything that is going on around him. He loves watching Edison... even when he hears Edison's voice he will turn his head around to try and see where Edison is.
~ Davis is a big fan of sucking on his hands. I've thought all along that he might become a thumb-sucker but so far hasn't been able to figure out how to get just his thumb into his mouth. Most of the time he just jams his whole hand in there.
We've been having fun over this past month and although the weather wasn't as awesome as it was in May, we've still managed to keep ourselves entertained around the house. Here are a few pictures of Davis this past month:
Starting to hold onto things
We had a visit from Auntie Sara in the beginning of June!
This week is Jonathan's last week of work and then he is off for the summer! We are very excited to get out there and have some awesome adventures this summer as a family of 4! I can't wait!
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