The first couple of weeks with Davis were really only a challenge at night... there was not much sleep to be had. However in the last couple of weeks, he has really started to turn it around. He has a few awake periods during the day where he quietly likes to look around at things, but for the most part he is still in the sleepy newborn phase. He is sleeping for longer chunks at night now, allowing me to get a bit of sleep and not feel quite so rundown during the day.
Davis is pretty cute and cuddly. He likes to be held and although he has his moments, he is a pretty content baby for most of the day. This past week he has started to make a few cooing sounds and has even had a couple of quick smiles here and there.
Davis takes the cake in the weight department compared to his older brother. He now at one month old weights the same as Edison did at 3 months old. Edison was always in the 5th percentile on the growth charts for weight, Davis is in the 75th percentile. Davis is also quite a long baby. He had a check-up when he was a week old and then again this week at one month old... in that time he grew an inch and a half in length, and gained nearly 3 pounds. Davis was also born with more hair than Edison and his hair is quite a bit darker than his big brother's. He is definitely a different baby than Edison was, in both size and looks.
Davis is a very strong boy. At a two week check-up the doctor told us that he had the neck strength of a 2 month-old baby. He can already sit for quite a while and hold his own head up... it's pretty impressive.
Relaxing on the couch
Edison, sharing his new sleeping bag with baby brother
Getting some snuggles from Grandma
My boys, hanging out on the living room floor
Jonathan using his baby-calming skills
Love those chubby little cheeks!
Thanks for the posting Michelle! He really does look so different from Edison! Do you think he looks like your dad? I'm glad you're able to get some sleep now at night. And it seems like Edison is really enjoying his baby brother! Love you. Hope we get to chat this week! Love Nana