I had Davis at 6:45 in the morning... bright and early after one long night of labour. We had to stay in the hospital for one full day, so by lunchtime the next day, they were ready to spring us free.

Davis spent the first week of his life sleeping like a rock during the day... and then keeping me up all night. After Edison, I forgot how completely exhausting having a newborn baby is. Sleep is a luxury that I savour every moment of whenever I can get it!
Jonathan has been awesome and has taken over a lot of the helping with Edison while I have a newborn attached to me most of the time. Edison has been such a great big brother, showering Davis with lots of love and helping out whenever possible. Edison has never once seemed jealous and really made bringing Davis home so easy.
Trying to get his eyes open and take in his new world
Sleeping the day away on the couch
Edison loves holding his little brother
Grandpa meets Davis
Such a sleepy-head!
Davis is really strong and likes to stretch his legs out
What a blessing!
I'm loving your blog Michelle! Thanks for taking the time to write it up and post the pictures. Edison is being so cooperative with the pictures too! Remember last Christmas, every time I wanted a picture, he'd close his eyes - haha! He sure looks enthralled with his new baby brother! Love and miss you all!