He is still definitely in newborn mode... he sleeps a lot, cries, eats, and sleeps some more. However, this month we have seen him awake a lot more and he even has his moments every day where he is quiet, smiley, and makes lots of cute little baby noises.
At his 2 month doctor check-up everything checked out fine. He is becoming a healthy, chubby little boy... clocking in at almost 13 pounds.
I feel that so far, Davis has been an easier baby to handle than Edison was at this point. It's hard to tell if Davis is more easy going than Edison (who cried a lot in his first 3 months of life), or if I find it a bit easier because this is the second time around... I've done it before and learned a few things along the way. Maybe it's a little bit of both.
He sleeps most of his time in the bouncy chair, but when he is awake, he enjoys his swing, he likes to look around on the play mat... and is slowly getting strong enough to sit in the Bumbo seat.
Here are a few pictures of our little Davis from this past month.
One of my favourites of him at 5 weeks
Napping with Daddy
Snug as a bug in a rug... both of our babies loved to be swaddled
Check out those chubby little thighs!
Hanging on the play mat with big brother Edison
Smiley boy :)
First time trying out the bumbo... still needs a thin book in behind to help support his head
2 month birthday!
We are enjoying our time with our little bundle as well as looking forward to the future... only another month or so and then Jolly Jumper, here we come!
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