On Tuesdays Edison does gymnastics, which he loves because he is a natural-born monkey... usually gymnastics is a Daddy and Edison thing. On Wednesdays, I take Edison to a "Clay Play" class which is kind of like a pottery class for toddlers (pictures to come soon).
Today was the half-way point in his gymnastics class so parents were encouraged to participate... which is right up Jonathan's alley seeing as how Edison inherited his monkey skills from his father. The other parent was also allowed to come in today to watch... which was also great because it gave me the chance to take a few pictures of the monkeys in action.
Bouncing down the tumble track
Practicing his log roll
Just hanging around
Trapeze into the foam pit!
The boys... watching the other kids
Jumping around
Doing the "bear walk" across the parrellel bars
Practicing on the highest balance beam
Edison loves every minute of his gymnastics class (or "na-a-tics" as he calls it) and he's quite good at it. His class goes until the middle of June and then it will stop for the summer. We are hoping that in the fall he will be ready for the next level up, which means he will be all on his own... no more parent and tot... poor Jonathan will have to join an adult class or something.
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