This was also Auntie Sara and Uncle Ryan's first visit with baby Davis, who was pretty much sleeping or crying every time they saw him.
We made a few outings during the visit. We went out to Great Nana and Papa's house... a place Edison loves to visit because Great Nana likes to play with him and spoil him with treats. We also took a walk around the zoo and saw the animals out and about.
Testing out the swing at Costco
Great Nana and Papa meet Davis!
Baby Snuggles
Checking out reptiles with Grandma and Auntie Sara
Grandma bonded with an alligator
Hello there!
Saying hi to the giraffe
Auntie Sara is going to be back in just over a month for a friend's wedding. We're looking forward to her next visit... especially Edison, who misses his new friend.
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