Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Davis - 2 Months!

Davis is just over 2 months old already! Time is flying by, as I knew it would and our baby boy is growing like a weed!

He is still definitely in newborn mode... he sleeps a lot, cries, eats, and sleeps some more. However, this month we have seen him awake a lot more and he even has his moments every day where he is quiet, smiley, and makes lots of cute little baby noises.

At his 2 month doctor check-up everything checked out fine. He is becoming a healthy, chubby little boy... clocking in at almost 13 pounds.

I feel that so far, Davis has been an easier baby to handle than Edison was at this point. It's hard to tell if Davis is more easy going than Edison (who cried a lot in his first 3 months of life), or if I find it a bit easier because this is the second time around... I've done it before and learned a few things along the way. Maybe it's a little bit of both.

He sleeps most of his time in the bouncy chair, but when he is awake, he enjoys his swing, he likes to look around on the play mat... and is slowly getting strong enough to sit in the Bumbo seat.

Here are a few pictures of our little Davis from this past month.

One of my favourites of him at 5 weeks

Napping with Daddy

Snug as a bug in a rug... both of our babies loved to be swaddled

Check out those chubby little thighs!

Hanging on the play mat with big brother Edison

Smiley boy :)

First time trying out the bumbo... still needs a thin book in behind to help support his head

2 month birthday! 

We are enjoying our time with our little bundle as well as looking forward to the future... only another month or so and then Jolly Jumper, here we come!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Grow & Gather: Come Check it Out!

Spring is in full swing at Grow & Gather and my Dad and Renata are keeping busy in their second year of owning this great garden center. If you haven't been by to check it out yet, it's a must! Their hanging baskets are gorgeous and there is lots of other great stuff to do and see.

Gorgeous baskets and planters 

The pond department has been re-done and looks excellent! 

Edison loves going to see all the fish 

Of course, the visit wouldn't be complete without feeding the koi in the big pond 

If you are in Maple Ridge, swing by! 24565 Dewdney Trunk Road. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Professional Gymnast in the Making

When Davis was born, Jonathan and I registered Edison in a couple of Parent & Tot classes. Edison is going to be 3 in a couple of months and at the perfect age to start participating in some classes. We also thought it would be a good idea for him to have a couple of things that are just about him. Davis stays home and we are able to have some quality time with Edison.

On Tuesdays Edison does gymnastics, which he loves because he is a natural-born monkey... usually gymnastics is a Daddy and Edison thing. On Wednesdays, I take Edison to a "Clay Play" class which is kind of like a pottery class for toddlers (pictures to come soon).

Today was the half-way point in his gymnastics class so parents were encouraged to participate... which is right up Jonathan's alley seeing as how Edison inherited his monkey skills from his father. The other parent was also allowed to come in today to watch... which was also great because it gave me the chance to take a few pictures of the monkeys in action.

Bouncing down the tumble track 

Practicing his log roll 


Just hanging around 

Trapeze into the foam pit!

The boys... watching the other kids 

Jumping around

Doing the "bear walk" across the parrellel bars 

Practicing on the highest balance beam

Edison loves every minute of his gymnastics class (or "na-a-tics" as he calls it) and he's quite good at it. His class goes until the middle of June and then it will stop for the summer. We are hoping that in the fall he will be ready for the next level up, which means he will be all on his own... no more parent and tot... poor Jonathan will have to join an adult class or something.