Friday, September 30, 2011

Up, Up and Away!

Last Saturday Jonathan did a trial flying lesson at Canadian Flight Centre in Delta. It has been a dream of Jonathan's for quite some time now, to one day get his pilot's licence... so this was an exciting chance for him to fly a plane and get a feel for what flying school would be like. A big thank you to my Dad who bought Jonathan this flight lesson through the awesomeness that is Groupon.

Edison and I tagged along to watch and Edison had a fun time walking around, watching all the airplanes. Every time Edison sees a plane flying in the air, he always points at it excitedly. He also loves going with Jonathan to watch him fly his remote control planes. So I knew Edison would love going to the flying school to watch everything. Lately, he points at everything that strikes his fancy... it's such an awesome way to know what things he finds interesting in his little world.

Jonathan and his instructor, checking out their airplane 

The next few photos consist of Edison pointing at every single plane he sees 

My little Airborne Junior Navigator, bringing me some grass 

Jonathan's plane, going to the take-off area 

Waiting for Jonathan's plane to take off... 

Off he goes! 

Edison and I found a frog in the grass while we were waiting

This was a really fun experience and it definitely made us excited for the future possibility of Jonathan getting is pilot's licence!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Oh brother!

 Michelle: "Why do you guys look so serious? Could you smile please?"

 Michelle: "Ummm, I think you can do better than that!"

Michelle: "Okay, thats better!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Photographer Jonathan

Jonathan has been taking over some of the picture taking duties while I'm at work during the day. I just downloaded all the pictures off the camera card the other day and discovered some good ones that Jonathan  had taken... and I though that some of them needed sharing!

Edison has become a regular at the skatepark while hanging with his Daddy during the day 

Drool face 

Yummy waffle breakfast 

"Hey what's that prickly thing?" 

"Hey! I can't reach it!" 

Edison loves playing on the deck... something he won't be able to do for much longer (without getting cold and wet that is) 

Could he get any cuter?

Hope you enjoyed them. I know I sure did!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Around and Around He Goes

Edison's new favourite thing to do is drag things along the floor... good thing we have laminate flooring and it's quite durable.

While dragging a certain object, he has a route he likes to take around the main floor of our house. Jonathan followed him around one day and took a video. It's pretty funny.


Monday's Musings - Working + Motherhood = Exhaustion!

Well, by now people are probably thinking I've dropped off the earth. I assure you, I'm still here! I'm just trying to adjust to this foreign concept called Work... on top of being Mom and Wife.

Most days I'm tired... I come home exhausted from dealing with 10-12 year-olds all day, I then have to entertain Edison all evening by myself because Jonathan is at work. By the time I get Edison into bed to have a bit of "me" time (to work on the bog or whatever else) I'm so exhausted all I can think of doing is sleeping... and so I go to bed. It's been a bit of an adjustment! But as each week goes by, it gets a little easier.

It doesn't help that the beginning of the school year one of the busiest times of year for me, because I have to recruit kids and get them signed up for band and choir. It's a lot of work... and there are a couple of events that take place in the evening... which makes for an even longer day. Now however, the business of the first part of the year is over. I don't feel quite so overwhelmed and things can settle into a nice routine.

I do love my job! Thank goodness... otherwise it would be even harder to be apart from Edison all day long, 5 days a week. I'm happy to report that Edison is doing just fine without me. Some days I get home, expecting this big reception of "Hey, Mommy's home!"... however I quickly learned that's just not going to happen. Edison takes one look at me, and then goes right back to whatever he was playing with. But it's good that he does so well at home with Daddy all day. Everyone is adjusting to this new way of life and the transition has been remarkably smooth.

If you have a minute, check the video out below. I've been listening to this song every day on my way to work. I sometimes need to be reminded that no matter how busy life gets, no matter what my day brings, He is here and His grace is sufficient!


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tons of People + Tons of Food = Fun at the PNE!

Last Sunday afternoon, Jonathan and I decided to close off the summer with a visit to the PNE. In my opinion, the summer is just not the same without the PNE.

This was Edison's first time at the PNE and he was very excited to see cows and lots of other fun animals. Edison is at the point now where he really doesn't want to sit in the stroller, he wants to walk. However thats hard to do when you are accompanied by hoards of people. When we were in the barns, he was happy... he could walk around and look at all the fun animals. When we were walking around in the Food Alley or the Marketplace and he was in the stroller, he wasn't such a happy camper.... but there were just soooo many people!


I love Clydesdales  

Baby ducks 

These are the tallest cows I've ever seen... they were taller than all the people 

Unfortunately I only got pictures of their butts 

Arabian dancers 

Cooling off in the water 

Jonathan's one and only interest at the PNE is food. It was quite entertaining watching Jonathan go on a food rampage, eating everything in sight. I won't lie... I had my share of PNE food as well, but Jonathan took it to a whole other level. He even made a video to document it:

It was a fun and filling time at this year's PNE and we're looking forward to taking Edison back again next year.