Monday, September 26, 2011

Around and Around He Goes

Edison's new favourite thing to do is drag things along the floor... good thing we have laminate flooring and it's quite durable.

While dragging a certain object, he has a route he likes to take around the main floor of our house. Jonathan followed him around one day and took a video. It's pretty funny.



  1. that is hysterical! are you sure you didn't loop that? it looks like you did EXCEPT that the Albert scenes are always different, so you probably didn't loop it. I like how he and Albert are each shaking their heads in the first encounter. That video is priceless! Thanks for posting! Love Nana

  2. Haha, I know sometimes Jonathan tries to trick people by looping videos... but this is the real thing. He walks and walks and walks... all while dragging an object. Pretty hilarious!
