Thursday, May 5, 2011

He's Crawling..... Real Crawling

Well, Edison is finally crawling! He's no longer inch-worming along the ground, he's crawling on his hands and knees. It's kind of funny because he seemed perfectly happy pulling himself around and was able to get around just fine like that. He was a little slow at times, but he eventually got to where he wanted to be. Then, on Sunday we dropped him off at the nursery at church and when we went back to get him after the service Jonathan looked in and there he was full-on crawling across the floor chasing after a ball. It seems the new toys motivated him to do some real crawling and since then he hasn't looked back.

Here is a video I took that same day. If you're wondering why we have golf clubs in our living room, that would be because Jonathan's new past time is to whack Edison's little toy balls around and try to get them into things he's aiming at. We all know Jonathan is unique.

Also, I had to add the video as a youtube link because I tried for 3 days too add the video through Blogger and it would not upload. It was quite frustrating! So finally, here it is:

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