Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday's Musings - 10 Months!

Edison turned 10 months old last week. I'm really feeling it now as we inch closer and closer to the big number O-N-E. It seems crazy that almost a year has gone by! It also seems crazy that summer is almost here and, as excited as I am about enjoying the warm weather this summer, every time I think about summer I think about how when it's over, I'll have to return to work.... which I'm not very excited about, yet.

Edison is motoring around the house on his little hands and knees. When he wants to get somewhere, he crawls at super speedy speeds. Our main floor is mainly hard wood, so you can always hear his hands thumping across the floor.... it's pretty cute. He is also very fast at pulling himself up on any object and still continues to walk around the house quite a lot, holding onto furniture, walls, people....basically anything he can get ahold of. A couple of days ago I bought him his first pair of real walking shoes... in anticipation for the summer when he'll be learning how to walk and will be outside a lot. It's pretty exciting!

The teething saga continues. He got his first 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom) within a two week period. It was an exhausting two weeks...especially as the bottom ones came in as he doesn't seem to handle the bottom teeth as well as the top ones. Then, as I had hoped, we got a little break from the teething. It was nice to have a happy baby again, and to get a bit more sleep at night. That lasted a couple weeks and then last week it started up all over again. The books say the signs of teething are usually things like a lot of drooling, rashes on the cheeks, maybe a low-grade fever. Edison has never had any of those things as a result of teething. The first thing he does that tips me off is he pulls at his ears. As soon as I see him doing that, I know a tooth is on the way. That's usually when I start fishing around in his mouth, trying to feel where the new tooth is going to surface. In the past week, he has had another top and bottom tooth cut through. He now has 3 top and 3 bottom teeth. 6 sharp little chompers! I can feel that two more are on their way (which will make 4 top and bottom teeth) and then hopefully we will get another break from the teething for a while.

I registered Edison and I for a free program in Maple Ridge called Mother Goose, and we've been going to that on Monday nights. It's a program designed for moms and babies made up of songs, movement, and finger play (like the Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc). Edison is having lots of fun with the music and he really enjoys watching all the other kids. He has started to clap within the last couple of weeks and it's pretty cute. He only does it in short little spurts, so I've yet to get it on video. He definitely responds to music; when he hears it he does this little wiggly dance and claps his hands, it's really adorable.

He uses his hands really well and really likes to examine textures with his fingers. He is also very good at feeding himself finger foods now. In fact, we aren't giving him purees as much anymore because he's able to eat whatever we're eating...as long as it's cut up into small chunks. He is a total carnivore and loooves eating chunks of meat.

This month Edison also learned how to go up stairs by himself (which prompted the purchase of another baby gate) and he also figured out how to drink out of a straw. He's becoming such a big boy!

I haven't taken a ton of pictures of his 10 month-old self yet, but here are a few. I took them on my phone, so they aren't the greatest quality.

Watching his Daddy skateboard 

Trying out the skateboard for himself 

My sleeping angel

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