Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pizza Party!

Jonathan is pretty awesome at taking goofy pictures while I'm off at work. He took these pictures of the two of them eating pizza a couple of weeks ago... they had cold pizza for breakfast.... something I think is just wrong... but to each their own.

At the time, Jonathan was growing out (in my opinion) a super creepy moustache... which is now gone thank goodness. So, when I look at these pictures, I have to try to look past the creepiness factor and focus on the cuteness that is the two of them sharing pizza. Edison has some pretty hilarious facial expressions... he's quite the character!


  1. what do you mean cold pizza for breakfast is just wrong!! I taught him that cold pizza for breakfast is THE BEST!! Isn't that what mothers are for?? Love Nana!! ps - last week i was staying with a girlfriend up in the capital and we went for pizza and i said ''oh yeah, there's some left!! for breakfast tomorrow" and she said "cold pizza for breakfast? that is TERRIBLE!".... hahaha!!

  2. Haha... I think you either love it or hate it!

  3. Love it!!! Cold pizza for breakfast is the best... I've even got Brea onto it... Craig agrees with you though, he thinks it's strange.
