Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bubbles Galore!

Edison loves bubbles! He knows where I keep the little bottle of bubbles in the kitchen and is always pointing at it saying "bubbles, bubbles!". He loves chasing them around, trying to pop them.

I was not super impressed with the quality of our dollar store bottle of bubbles so one day,  while I was blog hopping on the internet, I stumbled across a recipe for home-made bubbles and I though we'd give it a whirl.

It is super cheap and easy to make:

6 cups water
1/2 cup dish soap
1/2 cup corn syrup

I bought a cheap bucket of bubble wands at Superstore... I got the kind that you can wave around because Edison is not very good at blowing into the small ones yet.

I think he would have had just as much fun playing with the wands

Yay for cameras with timers! 


 Making his own bubbles!

The recipe makes great bubbles and it makes quite a lot so today we were hanging outside again and decided to get Jonathan in on the bubble fun.

It didn't take too long for Jonathan to decide that our bubble wands were not good enough for his large-bubble hopes and dreams. He disappears into the house for a few minutes and comes back out with a hanger that he has bent into a bubble wand, and a pizza pan. I have to admit, I doubted him at first...

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