Friday, May 11, 2012

Edison's Return the Zoo

When Jonathan was playing piano for ballet a lot on the weekends, I was taking Edison to the aquarium to wander around. We went quite a few times, and he loves it. Now that the weather is starting to perk up, I thought it was time to renew our membership to the zoo and enjoy wandering outside.

One nice thing about the zoo is that it's open until 7pm now, so even on days that I get home from work there is still plenty of time to head over there and check things out.

This was the first time that Edison has been to the zoo and been a good enough walker to walk/run the whole thing by himself. Last summer he was still a little unsteady and only walked small parts. This summer he'll be charging around it with me chasing after him the whole time.

My mom bought Edison a new pair of sunglasses and he loves wearing them. The day that I took these photos wasn't super sunny, but he would not let me take them off... even if they were falling off his face half the time.

Checking out the chickens 

Gobble Gobble 

We were able to see the lion and tiger feeding 

Showing me all the little things he was finding on the ground 

He loved walking on the tracks and was a little upset that he had to move to let the train go by 

This camel always makes the funniest faces 

I'm lovin' the cherry blossoms! 

He may have had more fun examining everything on the ground 

Waving at all the people walking by 

 My little mini Elton John

Here is a video of our visit from a couple of days ago:

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