Sunday, January 23, 2011


My sister Sara, who lives in the far-away land of Fort McMurray Alberta, sent us a gift in the mail! She ordered it through Amazon and it arrived on Friday. I didn't know this until recently, but you can buy pretty much anything on Amazon. Because she ordered it as a gift, they wrapped it and everything! Well, we all know how much little Edison loves wrapping paper! So we took our time opening it and I let Edison have his fun with the paper.

As excited as Edison was with the wrapping paper, I was even more excited with what was inside. A food processor!! I have been making all of Edison's baby food at home. I only had a mini food processor which made making the purees a little time consuming because I couldn't fit very much in it. But now, I can puree to my heart's content and it's so much easier. I pureed the whole night away last night.....I know, I need a life.

Here are a few of the pictures I took while we opened the gift.

Haha, I love how Edison and the food processor are the same size!

1 comment:

  1. awesome! I am going to need one of those :) did you freeze a bunch?
