Thursday, January 13, 2011

Starting Solids

We have been giving Edison "solid" food for about a week now. So far he has only had rice cereal and banana. The banana was a big hit, he really seems to enjoy it. I'm going to try sweet potato on him next. It's fun watching his face as he gets the taste of something for the first time. This is a whole new experience for him and he makes some pretty funny faces as he tries to figure out what this new texture in his mouth is.

I'm not sure if he's actually interested in what's on the spoon as much as he just wants to chew and suck on the spoon itself. But he does reach for the spoon every time and he uses both hands to get it into his mouth. It's quite a messy experience as seems to enjoy smearing the food around on his tray with his hands.

So far it's been fun and I'm looking forward to seeing him experience other new tastes and textures. Here are a few pictures that Jonathan took of his very first time eating the rice cereal.

1 comment:

  1. yummmm!! with having Albert around you won't have to worry about cleaning up what Edison drops on the floor! heh - maybe with extra food in the tummy he'll start sleeping longer. thanks for the stories! kisses for Edison!
