Thursday, February 24, 2011

7 Months!

The babe turned 7 months old last week! I've been wanting to write a post about all his accomplishments thus far all week but have not had as much time due to the fact that he is still battling this cold and is much more high maintenance when he's sick.

I feel like he's changed a lot in the past month and I know we're on the verge of an even bigger change: crawling! This boy has so much energy; once he starts crawling, we're in for some fun times of chasing him around the house, trying to keep him out of things. He is a wiggler and does not want to stay still. He climbs all over me like I'm the toy and I can tell he really wants to get places, but can't quite figure it out just yet. He is able to get up on his hands and knees, and has started rocking back and forth, so it's only a matter of time before he's off to the races.

Another one of his big accomplishments (just in the past week) is that he is able to pull himself up on things now. He's always really liked to stand and was able to hold himself up standing pretty early, so I'm not surprised that he's trying to stand up on his own now. We've said all along that we wouldn't be that surprised if he learned how to walk before he could crawl, and he definitely tries to stand up more than he tries to crawl. It started with him pulling himself up on me, when I'm sitting on the floor with him. Now he's able to pull himself up in his crib, while holding onto the rail. As soon as he gets a little taller, we'll have to lower the crib mattress so that he doesn't go toppling out. He's also tried to pull himself up on the coffee table but hasn't quite done it yet. Partly because our coffee table is quite high, and partly because I usually move him away because the edges feel pretty sharp and I don't want him hurting himself.

While Edison was always a little ahead of the game with things like holding his head up, sitting up on his own, and now standing up, he has been behind in the rolling over department. Books say babies usually start rolling over between 3-4 months. Edison waited until 6+ months. Now, he has perfected the art of rolling from his back to his stomach; but still has only gone from stomach to back a few times. I will be excited when he is able to consistently roll from his stomach to his back because right now, when he doesn't want to be on his stomach anymore he cries and flails around until I help him out. The rolling is all fun and games until I try to change his diaper and can't keep him on his back long enough to do it. I have to keep flipping him back over so I can get the thing on him.

Edison is still talking a lot and lately has started experimenting with sounds at the front of his mouth like: "th" and "ssss" and "fff" and "b" and "d", it's pretty cute. The funniest thing is when we're feeding him solids and we put a big spoon-full of food into his mouth and he decides that would be a good time to make one of these sounds, thus spraying his food everywhere. His talking is pretty cute, I'll have to try to get some of it on video.

Here are a few more pictures of his 7 month-old self:
Hanging out in his high chair

Digging through his basket of toys

Smiling at his daddy

Smiling at me

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