Tuesday, December 13, 2011

O Christmas Tree

In the first weekend of December we decided to head out to our local garden centre (soon to be owned by my Dad and Renata!!) to get our Christmas tree.

Blogging about our Christmas tree made me realize that I've been blogging for just over a year now! Click here if you'd like to journey back to our Christmas Tree last year.... when Edison was just a wee one. This is Edison's second Christmas and its really cool to look back at the pictures from last year and marvel at how much he's grown and how different his Christmas experience will be this year. He'll be a little less interested in the wrapping paper, and a little more interested in the toy that hides inside... unlike last year when the fun part was crunching up the paper.

Since November 25th of 2010, I've managed to write almost 150 blog posts! I have to admit, when starting the blog I wasn't sure I was going to be able to sick with it. I've definitely surpassed my own expectations of this blog and I'm so glad I did. I love looking back at past blog posts... it's such a great way to remember this most amazing year we've had with Edison, who brings indescribable joy to our lives.

Okay... back to the Christmas tree. So, there we are at Trice Farms... looking at all the beautiful trees, when a scraggly Charlie Brown tree calls Jonathan's name and he gets his heart set on bringing it home. It's probably a good thing we picked a Charlie Brown tree anyway, because we didn't want to put a ton of ornaments on it due to the curiosity of Mr. Edison

Edison was more interested in the rocks... which actually come from my Dad's company 

Loaded up and ready to go! 

Perhaps I should have stood in a different spot so there wasn't a giant pole in the pictures 

Jonathan and Edison built a fort in our living room, which we played in while decorating the tree 


Wondering why this candy cane doesn't taste as good 

 Edison, trying to help decorate. It was SO cute!

TA DA!  

My mom asked why our lights only went up the middle of the tree... I said, the branches on this tree are so wimpy they can't hold anything as heavy as lights! Also, after we first decorated the tree, Edison took off all the ornaments that were within his reach... so we now have a tree that is only decorated on the top half. But, I guess you can't expect perfection in a house that has a 16 month-old terrorizing it all the time. It's definitely a Charlie Brown tree with character.

But... lets not forget the real reason Christmas is celebrated in the Reichert household...

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given.
And the government will be upon his shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Councillor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

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