Monday, July 18, 2011

A Big Bash for a Little Boy

Yesterday was Edison's 1st birthday, which happened to fall on a Sunday.... the perfect day to have people over for a party! 

I know that Edison won't remember it, but I really wanted to celebrate his first year of life. It was more for us, the parents, than for him... but he's only going to have a first birthday once, what a great reason to get family and friends together for a visit. 

We had everybody over in the afternoon, so after his morning nap he was ready to party! He did so well with having a house full of people showering attention on him... and there were also a few kids to play with as well! In the end it was quite a long day for him, but he didn't seem to mind... probably because he was all hopped up on sugary birthday cake. 

Speaking of which... check this awesomeness out:

Super cute monkey cake, for our little monkey 

My mom made the cupcakes. Vanilla cake with raspberry mouse filling and buttercream frosting... ummm yum! 

Everybody always congregates in the kitchen of course 

Edison was definitely excited for his cake! 

Lighting his one little candle 

I expected Edison to dig right into his cake, but he was actually quite timid about it. He wasn't really sure what to do with the big hunk of cake. Once I cut it up into pieces we was a little more willing to feed himself some of it... his Daddy also helped him out a bit. 

Edison was very spoiled with some great birthday gifts! He had a fun time unwrapping some of them... although the fascination with wrapping paper is not what it once was. Now he's more interested in playing with what's inside. He had a blast discovering all the new things and is going to have loads of fun playing with and putting them into use.

Grandma and Grandpa Andy got Edison a sand box for the back yard! 

It even has a little river of water that goes around the outside of it!

Aunty Sara got Edison a Radio Flyer red wagon! 

 He'll be cruising around in style this summer

He was definitely entertained by the ribbon 

A fire truck from Paolo and Shelley! 

His Grandpa gave him a very cool scooter that converts to a stand-up scooter for when he's older 

Helping his Daddy put it together 

Gifts from his Nana... a hammering bench! 

His arm is blurry from all the fast hammering he's doing 

 A fun toy for the bath

After everybody had left, I was exhausted! Edison was having a jolly time playing with all his new toys... meanwhile, I surveyed the aftermath of the gathering. I said to Jonathan "Wow, I've got quite a mess to clean up" at which point he imparted these words of wisdom: "Well, that's what you get when you party hard". 

Thank you to everyone who helped make Edison's 1st birthday such a great day. He is truly loved by so many people!

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