Monday, July 4, 2011

A Jam Packed Day of Fun!

Today the weather was beautiful and warm. We had no plans for the entire day.... other than to have fun. And that is just what we did!

By early afternoon we decided that we would make our way to the Vancouver Aquarium. We usually go to the Aquarium when its rainy because its mostly indoors anyway. However, today the sun was out and so we spent much more time at the outside exhibits. We watched the dolphin show, which was the first time we had seen it from above. Edison enjoyed watching the dolphins and we were all wowed by how high they can jump!

WARNING: I took about a billion pictures today... this is probably the most pictures I've ever crammed into one post.

Edison was looking pretty comfy as we set out on our Aquarium adventure 

He loves watching the fish 

Getting ready for the dolphin show

This dolphin was about to do a BIG belly flop! 

Driving the car with Kermit  

As we walked back to the car I couldn't resist stopping in Stanley park to take a couple pictures of some flowers. Jonathan probably thought "oh no, not this again!"

I don't know what these are, but I thought the insides were sooo cool 

Edison was once again being a goof ball in the stroller 

After the Aquarium, we headed to Park Royal Mall for a quick bite to eat and then off we went to Ambleside Beach for some fun in the sun and sand. Edison was not as timid about the sand this time around. He got right in there with his little shovel and started digging around in it. He was flinging it all over the place. He managed to cover the blanket we put down with sand and he flung some right up and onto his head.

Edison has made some progress in the sand eating department. He now understands that the shovel is for digging, not for eating. Therefore, much less sand ended up in his mouth this time around. We only had one incident where he tried to eat a rock instead... nobody's perfect.

Jonathan also had fun playing in the sand and burying his feet. He has informed me that next time we go to the beach he wants to bring a metal detector so that he can to search for lost treasure while Edison and I play. Jonathan is special.

Ambleside Beach is gorgeous. Its nice to sit on the sandy beach, but also see the city in the background.

My boys, both digging away 

Sand on the head 

Putting the rocks in the container 

Digging for toys

This is the life! 

After the beach, what better way to de-sand yourself than to go play in some grass?

Walking all by himself!! 

Playing with the grass

As if our day wasn't already full enough, we got home and decided that we felt hot and dirty from the beach, so off we went to the pool for a quick evening swim. Needless to say, I think Edison will sleep well tonight!

Whew! What a great day. Tomorrow we will be taking it easy and having a lazy day around the house. I love summer!

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